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  • Holmes, Oliver Wendell

    Autograph manuscript signed from “Urania” including excerpts from the original manuscript. No Place, ca. 1846


  • Holmes, Oliver Wendell

    Soundings from the Atlantic.. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1864


  • Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

    Hyperion: A Romance. New York: Samuel Colman, 1839

    Hyperion is one of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s first published works. It was published in 1839, and is a prose romance that follows a young American named Paul Flemming as he travels through Germany. The journey of the character is partially inspired by the death of a friend, and the romance in the tale is based on Longfellow’s own failed marriage proposals to his beloved.



    The Naked and the Dead. New York and Toronto: Rinehart, 1948

    First edition of Norman Mailer’s landmark first novel. This is the first printing, with the Rinehart colophon on copyright page, and in the first issue dust jacket without reviews on rear flap.



    Works. Chapman and Hall, [1870s]

    A very handsome set of the famous “Illustrated Library Edition,” here in an early printing. The dedication at the front of the first volume (Pickwick Papers) states, “This the best edition of my books is, of right, inscribed to my dear friend John Forster, biographer of Oliver Goldsmith, in affectionate acknowledgment of his counsel, sympathy, and faithful friendship during my whole literary life.” “The Library Edition came about largely because of the suggestion of Forster that while Dickens’s works were available in volumes in the Cheap Edition and in reprints of the serial parts, there was no high-quality edition that would appeal to the wealthy. Dickens eventually came round to the idea that an elegant edition could raise the stature of his writings.



    Autograph letter signed to “My dear Friend.”. Danvers, March 28, 1882

    Whittier poignantly writes, “Thy word of sympathy in view of the death of dear Longfellow was very welcome. It is a mighty loss to us all. It leaves me with a feeling of loneliness, as if I had outlived the world. …. All English-speaking people have a common interest in the great world-singer. I am very truly thy friend John G. Whittier.”

    on hold

  • (POE, EDGAR ALLAN.) Kettell, Samuel, ed

    Specimens of American Poetry, with Critical and Biographical Notices. Boston: S.G. Goodrich, 1829

    First edition. This important work, which contains the first mention of Poe’s work in a book, is the earliest bibliography of American poetry. This set includes the work of nearly 200 poets up to 1829, with Kettell supplying biographical sketches for each writer, ranging from Cotton Mather to Francis Scott Key, Washington Irving, and Sarah J. Hale. The Catalogue of American Poetry at the end lists “Tamerlane, and other poems, by a Bostonian, Boston, 1827”—the first mention of any work by Poe in a printed book. According to Roger Stoddard, this catalogue is the beginning of the bibliography of early American poetry.


  • Twain, Mark

    A Tramp Abroad. Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1880



    Washington Irving. Mr. Bryant’s address on his life and genius. Addresses by Everett, Bancroft, Longfellow, Felton, Aspinwall, King, Francis, Greene. Mr. Allibone’s sketch of his life and works. With eight photographs. New York: Putnam, 1860

    First edition. Presentation copy inscribed by the published to S. Austin Allibone, who contributed the sketch of Irving’s life and works. Allibone ewas a leading American editor, author, and bibliographer who is best known for his Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. Other contributors include Longfellow, Bryant, Everett, and Bancroft.


  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel

    A Fine Run of The Token; A Christmas and New Year’s Present. Edited by S.G. Goodrich. Boston: Gray and Bowen, 1831-38
