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    The Penn Club requests the honour of your company at a reception to be given to Mr. Walt Whitman …. Philadelphia, March 27, [1880]

    This is a rare invitation to an event held in Whitman’s honor at the prestigious private Penn Club in Philadelphia. Whitman, who wore a shabby coat festooned with dozens of pins, did not disappoint the curious.


  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel

    The Snow-Image, and Other Twice-Told Tales. Boston: Ticknor, Reed, and Fields, 1852

    John Greenleaf Whittier’s copy of the first edition, with his ownership signature and bookplate. A fine association between two important figures in 19th-century American literature. The Quaker poet and abolitionist would later be best-remembered for his 1866 work Snow-Bound.


  • Lowell, James Russell

    Autograph Letter Signed With Initials to John Sullivan Dwight. Elmwood, 16 July 1845



    Good-Bye My Fancy. 2d Annex to Leaves of Grass. Good-Bye My Fancy. 2d Annex to Leaves of Grass, 1891

    FIRST EDITION. This form of Good-Bye My Fancy is not in Myerson.


  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel

    Grandfather’s Chair: A History for Youth [and] Famous Old People. Boston: E.P. Peabody, 1841



    Two book auction catalogues: (DENT, JOHN.) Catalogue of the Splendid, Curious, and Extensive Library of the Late John Dent, Esq. … sold by auction by Mr. Evans (1827). [bound with] (WILLIAMS, THEODORE.) A Catalogue of the Splendid and Valuable Library of the Rev. Theodore Williams … sold by auction, by Messrs. Stewart, Wheatley, and Adlard (1827). London: Evans [and Stewart, Wheatley, and Adlard], 1827

    These catalogues from the golden age of English book collecting are filled with landmark early printed books, books printed on vellum, illuminated manuscripts, and more. The Dent library contained “numerous volumes of the greatest beauty, several illuminated manuscripts, … other books printed on vellum” (De Ricci, English Collectors of Books and Manuscripts). Both auction catalogues are fully priced in manuscript with prices realized and buyer names.



    The Works. With Notes Critical and Explanatory and a Biographical Memoir by W. Gifford Esq. With Introduction and Appendices by Lieut.-Col. F. Cunningham. London: Bickers, 1875

    Gifford’s edition of Jonson’s works played an important role in the Jonson revival.



    Chinese Novels, Translated from the Originals; to which are added Proverbs and Moral Maxims. London: John Murray, 1822

    FIRST EDITION. This volume contains introductory “Observations on the Language and Literature of China” followed by “The Shadow in the Water,” “The Twin Sisters,” “The Three Dedicated Chambers,” and a selection of Chinese proverbs.



    The Works. With Notes Critical and Explanatory and a Biographical Memoir by W. Gifford Esq. London: for Nicol et al, 1816

    Gifford’s edition of Jonson’s works played an important role in the Jonson revival.



    Poems … selected and edited by William Michael Rossetti. London: John Camden Hotten, 1868

    FIRST ENGLISH EDITION of Whitman’s poems.
