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Rare Books
Displaying 101-110 of 190 Items
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  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel

    Autograph letter signed [to Henry Arthur Bright]. Brunswick, 7 January 1854


  • Cooper, James Fenimore

    Autograph manuscript signed headed “Extract from ‘Bravo,’. Paris, 16 June 1831

    A passage from Cooper’s The Bravo, A Venetian Story. Cooper likely wrote out this extended passage from The Bravo for an unknown admirer. Cooper identifies it at the foot of the page as “Chapter VI. vol. I. copied from proof sheet…” The manuscript varies in several places from the text of the novel’s first publication in 1831.


  • (U.S. CAPITOL.) Alexander Gardner

    East Front of the Capitol. Washington, c. 1864

    This photograph by Alexander Gardner shows the Capitol as it was during Lincoln’s presidency. Scaffolding, cranes, ladders, and other construction equipment are visible. The East Front of the Capitol was the site of Lincoln’s inaugurations in 1861 and 1865.


  • Holmes, Oliver Wendell

    Autograph manuscript signed from “Urania” including excerpts from the original manuscript. No Place, ca. 1846


  • Holmes, Oliver Wendell

    Soundings from the Atlantic.. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1864


  • Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

    Hyperion: A Romance. New York: Samuel Colman, 1839

    Hyperion is one of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s first published works. It was published in 1839, and is a prose romance that follows a young American named Paul Flemming as he travels through Germany. The journey of the character is partially inspired by the death of a friend, and the romance in the tale is based on Longfellow’s own failed marriage proposals to his beloved.



    Works. Chapman and Hall, [1870s]

    A very handsome set of the famous “Illustrated Library Edition,” here in an early printing. The dedication at the front of the first volume (Pickwick Papers) states, “This the best edition of my books is, of right, inscribed to my dear friend John Forster, biographer of Oliver Goldsmith, in affectionate acknowledgment of his counsel, sympathy, and faithful friendship during my whole literary life.” “The Library Edition came about largely because of the suggestion of Forster that while Dickens’s works were available in volumes in the Cheap Edition and in reprints of the serial parts, there was no high-quality edition that would appeal to the wealthy. Dickens eventually came round to the idea that an elegant edition could raise the stature of his writings.


  • KINSEY, ALFRED , et al

    Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1948

    FIRST EDITION of this classic, a book that helped usher in the sexual revolution.



    The Naked and the Dead. New York and Toronto: Rinehart, 1948

    First edition of Norman Mailer’s landmark first novel. This is the first printing, with the Rinehart colophon on copyright page, and in the first issue dust jacket without reviews on rear flap.



    “Ueber die von der molekularkinetischen Theorie der Waerme geforderte Bewegung von in ruhenden Fluessigkeiten suspendierten Teilchen” in Annalen der Physik, 4. Folge, 17 Band, No. 8. Leipzig, 1905

    FIRST EDITION. “On the Movement of Small Particles Suspended in a Stationary Liquid Demanded by the Molecular Kinetic Theory of Heat” appears here on pp. 549-560. This landmark paper on Brownian motion is one of the three great papers from 1905, Einstein annus mirabilis.
