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Rare Books
Displaying 81-90 of 190 Items
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  • (WHITMAN, WALT.) Napoleon Sarony

    Bust portrait of Whitman wearing a hat. New York, 1878

    Boldly signed and dated 1879 by Whitman. Whitman observed of this delightful portrait, “It is one of my good-humored pictures. … This is strong enough to be right and gentle enough to be right, too: I like to be both: I wouldn’t like people to say ‘he is a giant’ and then forget I know how to love.”



    The Vermont State House. Vermont, [c. 1859]

    A fine salt print of the Vermont State House.



    An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. London: Strahan and Cadell, 1791

    SIXTH EDITION of the most important book in the history of economics. One of 2000 sets. The sixth edition is the first to have been published after Smith’s death in 1790.


  • LISSITZKY, EL (Lazar)

    [Poster.] Nuzhno usilit’ i ukrepit’ internatsional’nye proletarskie sviazi rabochego klassa SSSR a rabochim klassom burzhuaznykh stran [“We Must Reinforce and Consolidate the International Proletarian Links of the Working Class of the USSR with the Working Class of the Bourgeois Countries” – Stalin]. Moscow, Izostat, 20 October 1940

    This dramatic poster, similar in style to the Socialist Realist graphics found in USSR In Construction, exhorts the people to support MOPL, the International Organization of Helpers of Fighters for the Revolution. The figures represent international workers united with the Soviets in the heroic struggle for the Revolution. The poster was printed during the last year of Lissitzky’s life while he worked for the Soviet state with the sure knowledge that his friends and colleagues were the victims of Stalin’s purges.



    A collection of manuscripts and typescripts written by a member of the Revisionist Zionist movement.. Palestine, 1930-1943



    An enormous run of Goodspeed’s rare book and manuscript catalogues. Vols. 1-370 and 381-575. Boston: Goodspeed's Book Shop, 1899-1973

    Founded in 1898, Goodspeed’s published its first catalogue in 1899. For decades to come the firm would be a dominant force in American bookselling. These catalogues are a witness to that golden age.


  • Lowell, James Russell

    Ode recited at the Commemoration of the Living and Dead Soldiers of Harvard University, July 21, 1865. Cambridge: Privately printed, 1865


  • Whittier, John Greenleaf

    Snow-bound. A Winter Idyl. Boston: Ticknor and Fields, 1866

    FIRST EDITION, FIRST AND SECOND ISSUES. These are the fine Bradley Martin copies of both issues of the poem that brought Whittier his greatest fame.


  • Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin

    Georgia Scenes, Characters, Incidents. Augusta, GA: S.R. Sentinel office, 1835


  • Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

    Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie. Boston: William D. Ticknor & Company, 1847

    First edition, first state. This is an excellent copy of the rare first issue of Longfellow’s romance of the expulsion of the Acadians by the British during the French and Indian War. The idea for the poem came from Nathaniel Hawthorne, who had heard a story about tragic Acadian lovers. Longfellow did meticulous research on the historical setting of the poem, which paid off, literally—it earned him record royalty payments.
