The Penn Club requests the honour of your company at a reception to be given to Mr. Walt Whitman …. Philadelphia, March 27, [1880]
This is a rare invitation to an event held in Whitman’s honor at the prestigious private Penn Club in Philadelphia. Whitman, who wore a shabby coat festooned with dozens of pins, did not disappoint the curious.
Leaves of Grass. Boston: Osgood, 1881-82
First printing of the 7th edition of Leaves of Grass
Good-Bye My Fancy. 2d Annex to Leaves of Grass. Good-Bye My Fancy. 2d Annex to Leaves of Grass, 1891
FIRST EDITION. This form of Good-Bye My Fancy is not in Myerson.
Chinese Sketches. London: Trubner, 1876
FIRST EDITION. Sinologist Herbert A. Giles began his distinguished career was a British diplomat in China. There he wrote these literary and historical sketches to show that, contrary to prevailing Western views, “the Chinese are a hardworking, sober, and happy people, occupying an intermediate place between the wealth and culture, the vice and misery of the West.” Giles later became professor of Chinese at Cambridge for thirty-five years.
(PANIC OF 1873.)
Extra. Senseless Panic. New York: New York Daily Bulletin, September 24, 1873
The Panic of 1873 was set off by the failure of Jay Cooke & Co., the leading American banker of its day. Because of financial crises in Europe , the Credit Mobilier scandal, and related problems, the firm declared bankruptcy on September 18, 1873. The bank’s failure set of a chain of events including the failure of many insurance companies and banks and the ten-day closure of the New York Stock Exchange starting on September 20. Within two months 55 railroads had failed. The downturn, which lasted for the rest of the decade, was known as the Great Depression until the 1930s depression took that name.
Haymarket Affair in The Chicago Daily News. Chicago: Daily News, May 5, 1886
The Haymarket Affair in Chicago was the most important event in American labor history. This dramatic Chicago newspaper reports on the events at the Haymarket, police actions, rioting, efforts to catch the bomb thrower, the roundup of anarchists, the discovery of the printed flyers for the mass meeting, and the reaction of Chicago businessmen.
“Theorie der Lichterzeugung und Lichtabsorption” [and] “Prinzip von der Erhaltung der Schwerpunktsbewegung und die Trägheit der Energie” in Annalen der Physik, 4. Folge, Band 20. Leipzig, 1906
FIRST EDITION of “On the Theory of Light Production and Light Absorption” and “The Principle of Conservation of Motion of the Center of Gravity and the Inertia of Energy.”
Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry. London: Millar and Nourse, 1758
FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH of Macquer’s Elémens de chymie-theorique (1749) and Elémens de chymie-pratique (1751), translated by Andrew Reid from the 1756 editions. The theoretical section lays out the principles of chemistry, and the practical section presents a course of chemistry including engravings of apparatus.
The Vocal Standard, or, Star Spangled Banner: being the latest and best selection ever offered to the public, particularly of American patriotic songs. Richmond: Nash and White, 1824
RARE AMERICAN PATRIOTIC SONGSTER. The Star-Spangled Banner appears at pp 15-16. The song’s great fame at this early date is reflected in its inclusion in the book’s title and its use as the running headline in every page
A Treatise of Money. London: Macmillan, 1930
FIRST EDITION of “Keynes’s most ambitious and weighty work” (New Palgrave). The ensuing criticism of A Treatise On Money spurred Keynes to create his major theoretical work, The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, in which he more fully developed concepts he first expressed in A Treatise. “Nevertheless, [A Treatise on Money] was the outstanding performance in its field and day” (Schumpeter).