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  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel

    Autograph letter signed [to Henry Arthur Bright]. Brunswick, 7 January 1854


  • (WHITMAN, WALT.) Phillips & Taylor

    Portrait of Walt Whitman holding a butterfly. Philadelphia, [early 1880s?]

    A beloved Whitman photograph, framed with a large, bold signature of the poet.



    Letter Signed to Gov. Levi P. Morton of New York. New York, March 12, 1895

    In this letter on J. P. Morgan & Co. letterhead, Morgan writes to his friend financier Levi P. Morton, the governor of New York and one of Morgan’s principal banking rivals.


  • Cooper, James Fenimore

    Autograph manuscript signed headed “Extract from ‘Bravo,’. Paris, 16 June 1831

    A passage from Cooper’s The Bravo, A Venetian Story. Cooper likely wrote out this extended passage from The Bravo for an unknown admirer. Cooper identifies it at the foot of the page as “Chapter VI. vol. I. copied from proof sheet…” The manuscript varies in several places from the text of the novel’s first publication in 1831.



    Amiri Baraka.. New York, 1976

    This is a splendid Anthony Barboza portrait of Amiri Baraka. Baraka’s illustrious and controversial 50-year career, in which he first achieved fame as Leroi Jones, encompassed poetry, drama, fiction, criticism, and activism.



    FDR Funeral 1945. [Published in LIFE], taken in 1945, printed later

    Signed and inscribed by the photographer: “FDR Funeral 1945, Edward Clark, Life.” Famed Life photographer Edward Clark took this celebrated picture in 1945 at the funeral of Franklin D. Roosevelt in Atlanta.


  • Holmes, Oliver Wendell

    Autograph manuscript signed from “Urania” including excerpts from the original manuscript. No Place, ca. 1846



    Autograph letter signed to “My dear Friend.”. Danvers, March 28, 1882

    Whittier poignantly writes, “Thy word of sympathy in view of the death of dear Longfellow was very welcome. It is a mighty loss to us all. It leaves me with a feeling of loneliness, as if I had outlived the world. …. All English-speaking people have a common interest in the great world-singer. I am very truly thy friend John G. Whittier.”

    on hold


    Photograph signed. Photographer unidentified, c. 1870s

    Sherman is most famous for the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, the first major federal action to curb the power of the great monopolies.


  • (SPACE)

    Rendezvous of Gemini 6 and 7, signed by Thomas Stafford and Wally Schirra. NASA, 1965

    This spectacular mammoth photograph shows the first manned space rendezvous, as GEMINI 6 goes nose to nose with GEMINI 7, the Earth in the lower right. Signed and inscribed by Mission Pilot Thomas Stafford (“First rendezvous / Gemini 6+7 / Dec 1965 / Tom Stafford, Plt.”) and signed by Command Pilot Wally Schirra (“Wally Schirra Cdr.”).
