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  • (FARADAY, MICHAEL.) Maguire, Thomas Herbert

    Michael Faraday. Ipswich, [1851]

    This is a rare early state or proof copy of this lovely portrait of Michael Faraday, the greatest figure in the history of elecromagnetism.



    Photograph signed. Photographer unidentified, c. 1870s

    Sherman is most famous for the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, the first major federal action to curb the power of the great monopolies.


  • (MADONNA.) Eric Kroll

    Madonna backstage at the Danceteria. New York: Eric Kroll, 1982

    Signed and numbered 3/10 and with Kroll’s inkstamp dated 1982.

    This photograph shows Madonna backstage at the legendary Danceteria in New York in 1982, at the dawn of her career


  • (KENNEDY, JOHN F.) Clark, Edward

    Senator John Kennedy with his baby daughter Caroline. Georgetown, 1958

    Signed and inscribed by Edward Clark. Clark was one of the leading American magazine photographers of the twentieth century.



    Washington Irving. Mr. Bryant’s address on his life and genius. Addresses by Everett, Bancroft, Longfellow, Felton, Aspinwall, King, Francis, Greene. Mr. Allibone’s sketch of his life and works. With eight photographs. New York: Putnam, 1860

    First edition. Presentation copy inscribed by the published to S. Austin Allibone, who contributed the sketch of Irving’s life and works. Allibone ewas a leading American editor, author, and bibliographer who is best known for his Critical Dictionary of English Literature and British and American Authors. Other contributors include Longfellow, Bryant, Everett, and Bancroft.



    Portrait Miniature of George and Martha Washington. American, 19th century



    Photograph signed by Carter and Begin. Robert A. Cumins, 1979

    Signed by Carter and Begin. Menachem Begin was awarded the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize, together with Anwar Sadat, “for their work in laying a foundation for future peace” in the Middle East. The framework, reached at Camp David, was facilitated by Jimmy Carter. The Nobel award called Carter “the masterbuilder responsible for the bridge that had to be built between Egypt and Israel.”


  • (Kahlo, Frida.) Sternberger, Marcel

    Portrait of Frida Kahlo. Sternberger, Mexico City, 1952, printed 2017

    Kahlo and her husband Diego Rivera had become intimate friends of photographer Marcel Sternberger and his wife Ilse by that time. The couple held Sternberger’s work in such high regard that Rivera said it was the first time [I’ve] seen the real me and above his bed in Kahlo’s lifelong house La Caza Azul hangs a portrait of Frida by Sternberger.



    Collection of three portraits of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Various photographers, 1860s-1880s

    Three portraits of Emerson


  • (Hu Shih.) Sternberger, Marcel

    Portrait of Ambassador Dr. Hu Shih. Washington, 1939, printed 2017

    Dr. Hu was educated under the Boxer [War] Indemnity Scholarship program and was a graduate of Cornell University. At the time of this sitting he was China’s ambassador to the United States. A respected member of the Chinese intelligentsia, he advocated for the written vernacular Chinese that is still in use today.

    $900 unframed; framed: $1,300