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  • Lowell, James Russell

    Class Poem. Cambridge: Metcalf, Torry, and Ballou, 1838



    Space Flight … When? [and] Space Flight. Westwood, New Jersey, 1946

    This rare fanzine was printed in tiny numbers. We have found traces of the 1946 number on the Internet, but the 1947 number appears to be even more rare. Each number publishes the result of the author’s survey of science fiction writers, editors, and aficionados concerning the likelihood of space travel for humans.

    two volumes: $750


    OLD PLAYS; being a continuation of Dodsley’s collection, with notes, critical and explanatory. London: Rodwell and Martin, 1816

    Contains the following:  Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus and Lust’s Dominion; John Lyly, Mother Bombie, Endymion, and Midas; Middleton, Women Beware Women, A Trick to Catch the Old One, The Spanish Gypsy, The Changeling, More Dissemblers Besides Women; Dekker, Wonder of a Kingdom, Old Fortunatus; Rowley, A New Wonder, a Woman Never Vext; Webster, Appius and Virginia; Chapman, May Day, Monsieur D’Olive, Bussy D’Ambois; Webster and Rowley, Thracian Wonder; Marston’s Antonio and Mellida, What you Will, and Parasitaster: or, the Fawn; Heywood, The English Traveller, The Royal King and Loyal Subject, A Challenge for Beauty.  According to the title-page, this is a continuation of Dodsley’s Collection of Old Plays (1744).



    Chinese Currency. Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press, 1901

    FIRST EDITION of this standard work on the history of Chinese currency. Edkins was a British Sinologist and Protestant missionary who spent 57 years in China, 30 of them in Beijing.


  • Cooper, James Fenimore

    Mercedes of Castile: or, the Voyage to Cathay. Philadelphia: Lea and Blanchard, 1840

    Fine first American edition of Cooper’s historical novel about Christopher Columbus’s first voyage. The Coopers had returned to America in the 1830s, but James continued to explore European influences and settings.



    Horse-Hoeing Husbandry: or, An Essay on the Principles of Vegetation and Tillage. Designed to Introduce A New Method of Culture; whereby The Produce of Land will be Increased, and the Usual Expense Lessened. Together with Accurate Descriptions and Cuts of the Instruments Employed in it … fourth edition, very carefully corrected. London: Millar, 1762

    The edition that Thomas Jefferson owned.  Jefferson wrote from Monticello in 1817, “While I was an amateur in Agricultural science (for practical knowledge my course of life never permitted me) I was very partial to the drilled husbandry of Tull.”


  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel

    “Letter from Hawthorne” in The Weal-Reaf. A Record of the Essex Institute Fair, Held at Salem.. No Place, 4-8 September 1860, 10-11 September 1860


  • (WHITMAN, WALT.) Horace Traubel, ed.

    At the graveside of Walt Whitman: Harleigh, Camden, New Jersey, March 30th and Sprigs of Lilac.. Philadelphia, 1892

    First edition. Presentation copy inscribed by Whitman’s friend and literary executor Horace Trouble to W. W. Clews and further inscribed by Traubel: “Edition: 750 / Number 382 / Horace L. Traubel.”


  • (WHITMAN, WALT.) Library of Congress

    A complete set of the 1955 Library of Congress Whitman Centennial Recordings. Library of Congress, 1955

    This is a complete set of these recordings of talks by leading scholars at the Library of Congress during the 1955 Leaves of Grass centennial celebration.



    “Allgemeinen molekulare Theorie der Wärme” in Annalen der Physik, 4. Folge, Band 14. Leipzig, Annalen der Physik, 1904

    FIRST EDITION of Einstein’s fifth published paper, “On the General Molecular Theory of Heat” (pp. 354-362). Weil 5.
