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Science & Medicine
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  • (APOLLO 11.)

    Star Chart, flown and used on the Apollo 11 mission, annotated and signed by Command Module Pilot Michael Collins.. NASA, 1969

    A key navigational aid in taking man to the Moon and back to Earth. The astronauts of Apollo 11, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, used this very star chart to find their way to the Moon and back in July 1969. Collins has extensively annotated this star chart and written on it, “During the flight of Apollo Eleven, I used this chart to help me locate stars. (The numbers were entered into the Command Module Computer) Michael Collins CMP.”


  • (APOLLO 11) Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin,and Michael Collins

    United States flag flown to the Moon on Apollo 11. NASA, July 16-24, 1969

    This American flag, flown to the Moon on Apollo 11, is one of the most sought-after relics of space exploration.


  • (EINSTEIN, ALBERT.) Suse Byk

    Photograph inscribed and signed by Albert Einstein. [Berlin], 1927

    Albert Einstein on the Jewish people: “we Jews are not a chosen people, but one that has been strained and steeled by millennia of pressure.” On this dramatic portrait of Einstein at age 48, made at the height of his fame, the scientist writes:

    Please inquire


    Aristoteles Master-piece, or, The Secrets of Generation displayed in all the parts thereof.. London: J. How, 1684

    First edition of Aristotle’s Masterpiece, “the most popular book about women’s bodies, sex, pregnancy, and childbirth in Britain and America from its first appearance in 1684 up to at least the 1870s” (Treasures, Library Company of Philadelphia).



    Profile bust portrait of Charles Darwin, signed by Cameron. London: Colnaghi, 1868

    The great Darwin portrait, Julia Margaret Cameron’s 1868 profile of Darwin is probably the most famous photograph of a 19th-century scientist. Darwin remarked, “I like this photograph very much better than any other which has been taken of me.”



    Flowers from My Garden. Sketched and Painted from Nature. [New York], [1864]

    FIRST EDITION, a unique pre-publication copy with 18 fine watercolors, the original art used as the basis for the lithographs in the published edition.



    Apollo 11 Philatelic Cover signed by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin. [Houston], 1969

    Signed by the crew of Apollo 11, the first manned mission to the Moon: Neil Armstrong (commander), Buzz Aldrin (lunar module pilot), and Michael Collins (command module pilot). From the collection of Neil Armstrong.



    Armstrong and Aldrin raising the U.S. flag on the Moon’s surface. NASA, [1969]

    Signed by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, the first two men on the Moon. This image was taken by the Maurer Data Acquisition Camera (DAC, pronounced “dak”). The DAC made films through the Lunar Module Pilot’s window during the approach and landing of the LM and took stop motion photographs during the EVA at the rate of one frame per second.



    Photograph of the Lunar Module and Buzz Aldrin deploying a scientific experiment on the moon, signed by all three crew members: Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins and by NASA Administrator Thomas Paine. NASA, 1969

    A RARELY SIGNED SPACE PHOTOGRAPH, signed by the crew of Apollo 11, the first manned mission to the Moon: Neil Armstrong (commander), Buzz Aldrin (lunar module pilot), and Michael Collins (command module pilot) and by NASA Administrator Thomas Paine.



    Autograph letter signed to [Fanny Kellogg]. Down, Beckenham, Kent, April 13, 1879

    Darwin discusses the hereditary transmission of behavior and a vivid example of the phenomenon from the opening chapter of The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals.
